Unscramble costume
A list of 118 words made from unscrambling the letters costume (cemostu). Valid words can be used in Scrabble. The word unscrambler shows exact matches of costume and also words that can be made by adding one or more letters.
Costumes are the main source of fun for Halloween. There are many different costumes to choose from such as Angel, Clown, Devil, Cowboy, Fairy, Fireman, Ghost, Mermaid, Ninja, Pirate, Princess, Pumpkin, Robot, Scarecrow, Skeleton, Spider, Superhero, Vampire, Witch and Zombie. Costume names can be difficult to remember especially when they are jumbled up. The costume unscramble solver helps you to unscramble these jumbled up names into words that can be used in popular word games such as Scrabble, Words with Friends and Text Twist.
The results are sorted by length and frequency. The highest value is for longest words and the lowest value is for least frequent words. The frequency of a word is the number of times it appears in the dictionary. The higher the frequency of a word, the more important it is.
This article was originally published in November 2013. It has been updated to reflect changes in the Scrabble definition. The dictionary data is available for download in the Scrabble Dictionary Archive.