Halloween Costume Contact Lenses

Although they may be popular and fun, costume contact lenses can be dangerous for your eyes. The lenses may not be FDA approved and can contain bacteria and other chemicals. It is recommended to visit your optometrist before you wear these lenses. Optometrists will be able to fit you with clean, FDA-approved contact lenses. You can also visit your doctor for a fitting if you’re not satisfied with your existing lenses.

While costume contact lenses are most popular around Halloween, they are also available year-round for creative productions. Although they look unnatural on their own, these lenses can make your eyes look more realistic. A popular brand of these contacts is the Gothika line from the Orion Group. These contacts can be custom-made, and there are even glow-in-the-dark options.

As with all contact lenses, Halloween-themed contact lenses are not safe for your eyes. The debris from the lens can irritate the skin covering your eye. Then, bacteria can grow in this damaged layer, which can lead to an infection. This infection can be very serious and can damage your vision permanently. Always consult with your optometrist if you suspect that you’ve had an eye infection while wearing your costume contact lenses.

While you can buy costume contact lenses from an online vendor, it is advisable to visit an eye doctor before you begin using them. The doctor will recommend a suitable lens for your eyes. You must also follow the instructions provided by your eye doctor.