When you have finished making up your mind about the type of costume labels you would like to use, it is time to decide how you are going to use them. There are numerous ways in which these can be used. They can be used for storing photos of your favourite actors or to help others locate your costume at a glance. You can use them as key chains or as beautiful cards, with a variety of creative images and text on them. You can print them out on special paper or laminate them so that they last longer.
To make very personalised Costume Labels for your costumes, insert the actor’s first name inside this field. The default value is empty. If left blank, then costume labels are going to be generated for each actor in every class. This is a great way to organise your wardrobe, to ensure that everybody knows what to do when they are looking for an accessory to play a particular role in their favourite plays.
For more sophisticated ways of organizing your wardrobes and costumes, try to create drop-down lists of the items which you would like to label. You can then create matching sub lists within the main one for clothing, accessories or props. When you are ready with your wardrobe labels, you will find it easier to sort through your costumes, keeping all of them together, ready for easy recall. You can print these lists out and paste them on the costume labels, or use them just as decorative accessories on your cupboard.